Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Filler Episode - 1

I want to take it easy. Sadly, this semester of classes is kicking my ass. Multi-variable Calculus is tough, and Linear Algebra is blowing my mind over the minuscule amount of Algebra/Calculus stuff there is as it's more of a conceptual class. I must prevail, however, as much as I want to live life like a NEET, there are responsibilities that come as an adult. But that doesn't mean I'll stop blogging, it's pretty fun, and it's a good place to speak my thoughts unlike that piece of crap Facebook.

Speaking of Facebook, don't get me wrong, I only use it to make and expand connections. You'll never know when you will need a favor from other people.

That's it, and goodnight.


  1. Linear algebra is tough. Do as many exercises as possible, it helps SO MUCH

  2. >as much as I want to live life like a NEET, there are responsibilities that come as an adult.

    So true. I wish I could afford to live as a NEET forever.

  3. Sounds like you're on your way to a PhD in Mathematics.

  4. Maths is hard, I wish you good luck in your studies!

  5. Best of luck, I hope you can take it easy.
